This is a diary of the adventures of two zebra finches, with some other miscellaneous information about the escapades of their companion and ghost writer.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Darryl at His Cutest

Here is Darryl posing for a stock shot to be sent to the photo agencies.

Darryl Ponders Some Millet



That is Stanley on the left, Darryl on the right.

Flying Finch

That is Darryl flying while Stanley is observing his style and technique.

Darryl's Fine Feathers

Darryl is preparing to munch on some millet.

The New Home of Darryl and Stanley in My Living Room

I usually keep half open the vertical blinds behind the cage so the birds have a sunny and a shady side on which to perch. That window behind the blinds faces west. There are now two plants in the cage: thyme and baby tears, both of whose leaves the birds eat.

New Home for Darryl and Stanley, Completed

The mesh surrounding the top part is .5" galvanized squares, but the mesh was covered with baked-on white epoxy paint to protect the birds from the possible harmful effects of their eating the galvanized surface. There are two doors on each end of the top part. I can open either or both to make photos of the birds. There are four wheels at the bottom to make moving the cage easy for cleaning.

New Home for Darryl and Stanley, Stage 2

The bottom shelf will hold my TV and DVD player and the cable box. The top shelf is just under the birds' house and will support a long sheet of paper which I can change frequently from a roll which I bought in the children's (drawing) department of Ikea.

New Home for Darryl and Stanley, Stage 1

Here is the framework for a new house for Darryl and Stanley, completed at the beginning of August. That is 1" diameter plastic pipe. The top part separates from the bottom part so that I can take the top, with the birds in it, to a friend's housewhile I go travelling.

View of Daryl's Grave

I finally got up the courage a few weeks ago to take Daryl from the freezer and bury him. Above is a photo of his grave, with two bunnies for companions. He is in a nice garden with flocks of birds regularly visiting a nearby feeder.